Advancing the Qualio Way by cutting the stress from change management and simplifying custom event visibility and tracking


    Qualio maintains its position as the leading electronic quality management system (eQMS) for emerging life science companies because we focus on three guiding principles that address the unique needs of our customers:


    1. Intuitive 

      The modern QMS is only as strong as the levels of employee adoption and engagement with quality processes. Qualio UX and collaboration tools are easy to use for a non-expert user, and are designed for all employees to easily participate and collaborate. 

    2. Connected 

      Today’s life science companies rely on a complex infrastructure of systems and partners to develop and deliver their products. The modern eQMS must be connected both within the company and to outside stakeholders to avoid errors, create efficiency and sustain trust.

    3. Content first 

      Content creation, editing, approval and control are central to any quality management process, and are often where inefficiencies and errors arise. Qualio’s flexible approach to content, plus our industry-leading editing and collaboration tools, make even the smallest quality teams more productive and effective than ever before. 


    Qualio’s continuous innovation is focused on these areas, and our May Launch Train takes important steps forward in each of them. 

    Let's dive in!


    What's new in our latest Launch Train 🚊


    Change is inevitable - and airtight change management is critical for your quality and compliance. We’re making it easier than ever to collaborate on content updates with new change request workflows that take the guesswork out of managing and controlling change.

    And because every company is different, you now can easily capture and analyze the quality data that matters to you by using new event building forms, then tracking the custom fields you create in Qualio Analytics

    And as a bit of a peek into the future, we’re also taking the first steps toward a new, even more intuitive and welcoming user experience (UX) across the platform. Much more to come there!


    Flexible event forms sharpen your data capture 📄 


    • What’s new? You can now define event form sections, include checkboxes and radio buttons, set multiple types of lookup lists, and set default content for rich text fields

    • What it means: Form-based event steps standardize data capture and boost engagement from collaborators compared to document-based steps. With form steps and additional section & lookup list types, you can also enjoy more discreet and detailed analytics for event data, improving your trend analysis and tracking and tracing 


    May 2024 Launch Train event forms


    Custom event field analytics unlock tailored insights 🔍


    • What’s new? You can now add custom fields from form steps to your analysis and reporting: track the numbers of events and their trends, and trace totals and averages of your custom numeric form fields over time 
    • What it means: Choose the data you want to capture and report on, with full control to monitor the information that matters to you!


    Qualio eQMS analytics


    What do our customers think?

    Over 85% of survey respondents were 'satisfied' or 'very satisfied' with their new event form and analytics features!


    Enhanced change requests simplify content collaboration 🤝


    • What’s new? Change in regulated companies needs to be properly assessed, overseen and closed out. Change requests are a critical part of kicking off this activity. A significantly improved change request process, including search and filtering, more flexible document ownership, mid-change updates, and pre-approvals and bulk approval options, makes this collaborative process easy

    • What it means: Reduced review and approval time, improved traceability of changes, more control, collaboration and oversight




    Simplified UX makes life easier for the quality admin 🎨


    • What’s new? We’re making Qualio’s UX even more robust and intuitive. Pages for organization settings, account settings and product changes have been modernized and streamlined

    • What it means: A new and slicker UX makes it easier and faster for Qualio admins to understand product updates and tweak organizational and account settings



    Stay tuned for more exciting product updates in the very near future - our next Launch Train is already well underway!

