Qualio ROI calculator

Scroll down to get your estimated return on investment
in less than 19 seconds



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How it works



Drag the sliders to produce the figures that match your business operation, from number of documents in your QMS to number of staff



View your ROI figure below, calculated by comparing the time saved on each process by moving to Qualio



To go even deeper and get an even more accurate net figure, head to the Assumptions tab and make any edits you see fit!


Our ROI calculator works by evaluating the process improvements unlocked by using Qualio vs. a manual, paper-based quality management system.

Figures are provided as an approximate guide based on life science industry averages.

The calculator doesn't include other unpredictable and highly business-specific cost-saving elements experienced by our customers, such as headcount spend mitigation, accelerated speed to market, and jettisoning of paper costs.

Your true ROI will therefore be even higher than illustrated here!


Qualio ROI Calculator
Quality event management
Percent of active events that require root cause analysis (%)
Time to conduct root cause analysis, per event (minutes)
Time to manage event resolutions (minutes)
Time to manage CAPAs, per event (minutes)
Time to document event workflow activities, per event (minutes)
Time to retrieve event documentation, per event (minutes)
Design control management
Time per week to manage risk requirements per product (minutes)
Time per week to manage design elements and testing per product (minutes)
Time per week to create technical documents per product (minutes)
Time per week for data retrieval, per product (minutes)
Time to identify requirements gaps, per product (minutes)
Qualio subscription costs
Book a call with us to discuss pricing for your business!

Don't just take our word for it!

Hear from real Qualio customers
who saw transformational ROI

“The cost of our Qualio licenses is insignificant compared to what we've saved by just improving our processes."
Peter B.
QA Director, Watchmaker Genomics
“Me getting back hundreds of hours in a year because of Qualio is the equivalent of an FTE.
Qualio's given us one more staff member in a company where we throw nickels around like manhole covers!"
Mike T.
VP of IT & Information Security, xCures
“Qualio's freed us up to work on things other than document control.
That's the payoff right there. It's a big weight lifted off our shoulders."
Lowell H.
QA Director, Restech
“I'd need at least 3 quality managers and 5 assistants in place to give me the same level of control that I have now with Qualio.
I don't need people and can still do quality."
Karen H.
Head of Quality & GxP Compliance, 30 Technology
“Without Qualio, we would've needed about $100,000 in new hire costs and $30,000 for a consultant."
Ami A.
Director of Ops & Quality, NeuFit
“Being able to assemble our risks, traceability matrices and documents in real time saves us so much work.
Getting it straight from Qualio is a saving of months and weeks."
Hilary B.
VP of Regulatory & Quality, SimBioSys
“To not have a major hiccup when you're hosting a remote audit, where they can get in and see the entire QMS? That's worth its weight in gold."
Evan G.
VP of Quality & Compliance, eClinical Solutions